
Scientific Publications

  • 2015
    Miguel Angel Santoyo, Vladimir Kostoglodov and Victor M Cruz-Atienza, (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM, Instituto de Geofísica, Unidad Michoacán, Morelia Michoacán, Mexico, UNAM, Instituto de Geofisica, Mexico City, Mexico), Stress Transfer by Slow Slip Events in the Guerrero Segment of Plate Interface in the Mexican Subduction Zone. (94204), T-45, poster.

  • 2015
    Nathalie Cotte, Hugo Perfettini, Mathilde Radiguet, Vladimir Kostoglodov, Andrea Walpersdorf, Michel Campillo and Bernard Valette, (ISTerre Institute of Earth Sciences, Saint Martin d'Hères, France, UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico), (93979), oral.

  • 2015
    William Frank, Nikolai Shapiro, Allen L Husker, Vladimir Kostoglodov, Mathilde Radiguet, Baptiste Rousset, Alexander A Gusev, Nathalie Cotte and Michel Campillo, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Cambridge, MA, United States, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France, Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky, Russia, UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, ISTerre Institute of Earth Sciences, Saint Martin d'Hères, France, Pinpointing transient aseismic slip at depth with seismological observations Complexity of the seismic cycle in Guerrero, Mexico : long term coupling modified by slow slip events, as inferred by cGPS, (94064), oral.

  • 2015
    Baptiste Rousset, Michel Campillo, Cecile Lasserre, William Frank, Anne Socquet, Nathalie Cotte, Andrea Walpersdorf and Vladimir Kostoglodov, (ISTerre Institute of Earth Sciences, Saint Martin d'Hères, France, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Cambridge, MA, United States, UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico), Geodetic Matched Filter Search of Low Amplitude Slow Slip Events on the Mexican Subduction Zone, (94083), oral.

  • 2015
    Jorge Arturo Real Sr., Vladimir Kostoglodov and Allen L Husker, (UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico), Detection of Nonvolcanic Tremors using Spectral Cross-Correlation, (94206), poster.

  • 2015
    Vladimir Kostoglodov, Allen L Husker, Jose Antonio Santiago, Nathalie Cotte and Andrea Walpersdorf, (UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, ISTerre Institute of Earth Sciences, Saint Martin d'Hères, France), Slow Slip Events on the Strike Slip Fault in Guerrero, Mexico, (94149), poster.

  • 2015
    Nathalie Cotte, Hugo Perfettini, Mathilde Radiguet(ISTerre), Vladimir Kostoglodov (UNAM), Andrea Walpersdorf, Michel Campillo and Bernard Valette (ISTerre), Complexity of the seismic cycle in Guerrero, Mexico: long term coupling modified by slow slip events, as inferred by cGPS, AGU Chapman conference, 2016, poster.

  • 2015
    Baptiste Rousset, Michel Campillo, Cecile Lasserre, William Frank, Anne Socquet, Nathalie Cotte, Andrea Walpersdorf and Vladimir Kostoglodov, Geodetic Matched Filter Search of Low Amplitude Slow Slip Events on the Mexican Subduction Zone, AGU Chapman conference, 2016, poster.

  • 2015
    Vladimir Kostoglodov, Allen L Husker, Jose Antonio Santiago(UNAM), Nathalie Cotte and Andrea Walpersdorf (ISTerre), Slow Slip Events on the Strike Slip Fault in Guerrero, Mexico, AGU Chapman conference, 2016, oral.

  • 2015
    Miguel Angel Santoyo, Vladimir Kostoglodov and Victor M Cruz-Atienza(UNAM), Stress Transfer by Slow Slip Events in the Guerrero Segment of Plate Interface in the Mexican Subduction Zone, AGU Chapman conference, 2016, poster.

  • 2015
    Husker, A. L., L. Ferrari, C. Arango, F. Corbo, J. Arzate-Flores (UNAM), SSE induced seismic gap: A permanently reduced seismic hazard, Chapman Conference Slow Slip Phenomena, Ixtapa, Mexico, 21-25 Feb. , 2016, Poster.

  • 2015
    Kostoglodov, V., A. L. Husker, J. A. Santiago(UNAM), N. Cotte, A. Walpersdorf(ISTerre), Slow Slip Events on the Strike Slip Fault in Guerrero, Mexico, Chapman Conference Slow Slip Phenomena, Ixtapa, Mexico, 21-25 Feb. , 2016, Poster.

  • 2015
    Real, J. A., V. Kostoglodov, A. L. Husker (UNAM), Detection of Nonvolcanic Tremors using Spectral Cross-Correlation, Chapman Conference Slow Slip Phenomena, Ixtapa, Mexico, 21-25 Feb. , 2016, Poster.

  • 2015
    Julie Maury, Satoshi Ide, Victor M Cruz-Atienza, Vladimir Kostoglodov and Xyoli Perez-Campos, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Japan, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico), Focal Mechanism from Very Low Frequency Earthquakes Associated with Tectonic Tremors in Guerrero, Mexico, (94076), oral.

  • 2016
    Manea, M. (UNAM), V. C. Manea (UNAM) and S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), Subduction of oceanic plate irregularities in Mexico and Japan and the influence on large megathrust earthquakes, 日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会, May 23, Poster.

  • 2015
    Maury, J., Ide, S., Cruz‐Atienza, V. M., Kostoglodov, V., Perez‐Campos, X.Tremor location in Guerrero, Mexico from catalog comparison: identification of new clusters, JPGU 2016, May 22.

  • 2016
    Thingbaijam, K.K.S, P. M. Mai, K., T. Yasuda, T. Maruyama, and N. Mori (DPRI), Earthquake scaling laws for rupture geometry and slip heterogeneity, EGU Annual meeting, Vienna 2016. (Poster)

  • 2016
    Prasetyo, A., T. Tomiczek, T. Yasuda, N. Mori, H. Mase, A. Kennedy (DPRI) (2016) Physical experiments of tsunami runup and force on building cluster using a hybrid tsunami generator, Coastlab2016, Ottawa, 1p. (Oral)

  • 2016
    Ito, Y. (DPRI), and M. Ikari (MARUM), Two effects of slow earthquakes on large megathrust earthquakes: Triggering and facilitating of coseismic slip, JpGU meeting 2016, 2016, May 23, Oral.

  • 2016
    Ji, Y. (Kobe U.) and S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), Three-dimensional numerical modeling for subduction thermal regime, slab dehydration, and mantle flow beneath Kanto to Tohoku, Japan, 日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会, May 24.

  • 2016
    Katakami, S., Y. Ito, K. Ohta (DPRI), R. Hino , S. Suzuki(TOHOKU U), and M. Shinohara (U TOKYO), Detecting tectonic tremor through frequency scanning at a single station in the Japan Trench subduction zone, SSS02-P03, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Chiba, Japan, 22 May.

  • 2016
    Tomoya Muramoto, Yoshihiro Ito (DPRI), Daisuke Inazu (TUMSAT), Stuart Henrys, Laura Wallace, Stephen Bannister (GNS Science), Kimihiro Mochizuki (U TOKYUO), Ryota Hino, Syuichi Suzuki (TOHOKU U), Estimation of Small Slow Slip events on the Northern Hikurangi Margin, The workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2016, Tokyo, Japan, 2016/9/13

  • 2016
    H.S. Sánchez-Reyes (UGA), J. Tago (UNAM), V.M. Cruz-Atienza (UNAM), L. Métivier (UGA) and J. Virieux (UGA), “Inversión 3D de la cinemática de la fuente sísmica”, in 4to. Congreso Metropolitano de Modelado y Simulación Numérica, D.F., Mexico, May 18-20 2016, Oral.

  • 2016
    畑 真紀 (産総研), 上嶋 誠 (東京大学 地震予知研究センター), 末永 伸明 (神戸大),吉岡 祥一 (神戸大), 九州地方の電気伝導度構造と温度構造から求められたマントルの流体分布, 日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会, 2016, May 24.

  • 2016
    Ji, Y. (Kobe U.) and S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), Slab Dehydration, Interplate Hydrousity and Seismic Distribution in Modeling deformation, faulting, and mountain building in the island-arc crust of northeastern and central Japan considering heterogeneous thermal structure, Crustal Dynamics 2016, Jul 21, Poster.

  • 2016
    Porritt, R. W. (U. Arizona) and S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), Mapping Crustal Structure Change in Tohoku With Time Varying P-to-S Receiver Functions, Crustal Dynamics 2016, Jul 21.

  • 2016
    Hata, M. (AIST), M. Uyeshima (EPRC), S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), N. Suenaga (Kobe U.) and T. Matsumoto (NIED), Geo-fluids distribution in mantle inferred from the electrical conductivity and simulated thermal, 23rd Electromagnetic Induction Workshop, Thailand, Aug 20.

  • 2016
    Yoshioka, S. (Kobe U.), Y. Ji (Kobe U.) and T. Matsumoto (NIED), Three-dimensional numerical modeling of temperature and dehydration fields associated with subduction of the Philippine Sea plate, southwest Japan, 35rd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Italy, Sep 6.

  • 2016
    J. Tago (UNAM), H.S. Sánchez-Reyes (UGA), L. Métivier (UGA), R. Brossier (UGA) and J. Virieux (UGA), “Inversión de la cinemática de la ruptura sísmica usando el método del adjunto”, in the Third International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications, Puebla, Mexico, Sept. 5-9 2016, Oral.

  • 2016
    Katakami, S., S. Ito, K. Ohta (DPRI), R. Hino, S. Suzuki (TOHOKU U), M. Shinohara (U TOKYO), Activity of micro Low Frequency tremor through frequency scanning at a single station near the Japan Trench before occurring Tohoku-Oki earthquake,Joint workshop on slow earthquakes 2016 in Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 9.14, 2016 (Oral)

  • 2016
    植村美優,伊藤喜宏,太田和晃 (DPRI),日野亮太 (TOHOKU U),篠原雅尚 (U. TOKYO), A Trial for Detecting Temporal Variation in Seismic Velocity Accompanied by a Slow Slip Event, Using Seismic Interferometry of Ambient Noise, スロー地震研究会(9/13,14,15)

  • 2016
    Yoshioka, S. (Kobe U.), Y. Ji (Kobe U.) and T. Matsumoto (NIED), Three-dimensional numerical modeling of temperature and dehydration associated with subduction of the Philippine Sea plate, southwest Japan, The 1st Asia-Pacific Workshop on Lithosphere and Mantle Dynamics, Taiwan, Sep 23

  • 2016
    Ji, Y. (Kobe U.) and S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), Slab dehydration, thermal regime, the distribution of tectonic tremors and seismicity beneath Hikurangi, 日本地震学会秋季大会, Oct 5, Oral.

  • 2016
    片上智史, 伊藤喜宏, 太田和晃(DPRI), 日野亮太, 鈴木秀一(U TOKYO), 篠原雅尚(U TOKYO), 2016, 2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震発生前に海溝軸近傍で発生するLow Frequency micro Tremor, S09-06, 日本地震学会講演予稿集2016年度秋季大会, 名古屋,10月6日

  • 2016
    村本智也・伊藤喜宏(DPRI)_・稲津大祐(東京海洋大)・日野亮太・鈴木秀一(東北大), 2016, Stuart Henrys, Stephen Bannister, Laura Wallace, 海底観測によるヒクランギ沈み込み帯で発生するスロースリップイベントの検出, S03-P04, 日本地震学会講演予稿集2016年度秋季大会, 名古屋,10月6日

  • 2016
    植村美優・伊藤喜宏・太田和晃(DPRI)・日野亮太(TOHOKU U)・篠原雅尚(U TOKYO), 2016, 常時微動を用いた地震波干渉法によるスロースリップに伴う地震波速度変化検出の試み, S01-P05, 日本地震学会講演予稿集2016年度秋季大会, 名古屋,10月6日

  • 2016
    Ito, Y. (DPRI), How to use slow earthquakes: Monitering and exploiting slow earthquakes to megathrust event, RAUGM 2016, 2016, Nov. 1, Oral

  • 2016
    Ávila Sánchez, L., A. L. Husker (UNAM), Elaboration of catalogues for tectonic tremor detection associated to subduction zones in Mexico, Reunión Anual de la Unión Geofísica Mexicana, Puerto Vallarta, México, 30 Oct. – 4 Nov. , 2016, Poster.

  • 2016
    Real Pérez Jorge Arturo, Kostoglodov Vladimir, Mendoza Carvajal Antonio de Jesús and Martínez Montero Mauricio(UNAM), Detección automática de tremores no volcánicos con las estaciones de la red G-gap, SIS-44, Unión Geofísica Mexicana, UGM-2016, poster.

  • 2016
    González, G., A. Husker(UNAM), Low frequency earthquakes study in the Jalisco state, Mexico, Reunión Anual de la Unión Geofísica Mexicana, Puerto Vallarta, México, 30 Oct. – 4 Nov. , 2016, Poster.

  • 2016
    Genta Nakano (Graduate School of Informatics) and Katsuya Yamori (DPRI), A study on inter-local adaptation of disaster education material, Annual Meeting 2016 Mexican Geophysical Union 2016, October 30 to November 4. Oral Presentation

  • 2016
    Maruyama, T., T. Yasuda, K. Goda, and N. Mori, Unión Geofísica Mexicana (UGM) 2016. (Oral)

  • 2016
    Hjörleifsdóttir V (UNAM), Ji C (UCSB), Iglesias A (UNAM), Cruz-Atienza V (UNAM), Singh SK (UNAM), Slip distribution of two recent large earthquakes in the Guerrero segment of the Mexican subduction zone, and their relation to previous earthquakes, silent slip events and seismic gaps, UGM, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Nov 2016, Oral

  • 2016
    Husker, A., L. Ferrari, C. Arango-Galván, F. Corbo-Camargo (UNAM), The Geological characteristics that allow for transient slip within the seismogenic zone, Reunión Anual de la Unión Geofísica Mexicana, Puerto Vallarta, México, 30 Oct. – 4 Nov., 2016, Poster.

  • 2016
    J. Tago (UNAM), L. Métivier (UGA), R. Brossier (UGA) and J. Virieux (UGA), “Resolution analysis for earthquake kinematics inversion”, in 2016 Annual Reunion of the Mexican Geophysics Union, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, Oct. 30 – Nov. 4 2016, Oral.

  • 2016
    Genta Nakano (Graduate School of Informatics), El papel de la Psicologia Social en la prevencion de desastres (Role of Social Psychology for disaster prevention), Dia Mundial: Concienciacion sobre Tsunamis (World Tsunami Awareness Day), Mexico, November 5. Oral Presentation.

  • 2016
    Muramoto,T., Y. Ito(DPRI), D. Inazu (TUMSAT), S. Henrys, L. Wallace, S. Bannister (GNS Science), K. Mochizuki (U TOKYO), R. Hino, and S. Suzuki (TOHOKU U), 2016, Detection of Shallow Slow Slip events on the Northern Hikurangi Margin using Ocean Bottom Pressure Recorders, Poster-1, 2016 Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Crustal Dynamics, Tainan, Taiwan, 14-16 Nov.

  • 2016
    Ito, Y.(DPRI), M. Ikari (MARUM) , K. Ujiie (TSUKUBA U), and A. Kopf (MARUM),Velocity- and slip-dependent weakening on the Tohoku plate boundary fault: shallow coseismic slip facilitated by foreshock afterslip, AGU 2016, 2016, Dec. 13, Poster.

  • 2016
    Uemura, M., Y. Ito, K. Ohta, R. Hino, and M. Shinohara, 2016, A Trial for Detecting the Temporal Variation in Seismic Velocity Accompanied by a Slow Slip Event, Using Seismic Interferometry of Ambient Noise, T21C-2839, 2016 Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13 Dec.

  • 2016
    Ji, Y. (Kobe U.) and S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), Thermal regime, slab dehydration and seismicity distribution beneath the Hikurangi subduction zone based on 3D simulation, AGU FALL MEETING 2016, United States, Dec 13, Poster.

  • 2016
    Hjörleifsdóttir V (UNAM), Ji C (UCSB), Iglesias A (UNAM), Cruz-Atienza V (UNAM), Singh SK (UNAM), Slip Distribution of Two Recent Large Earthquakes in the Guerrero Segment of the Mexican Subduction Zone, and Their Relation to Previous Earthquakes, Silent Slip Events and Seismic Gaps, AGU, San Fransisco, CA Dec 2016, Poster

  • 2016
    Ide, S., S. Yabe, and Y. Tanaka (U TOKYO), Tidal controls on earthquake size-frequency statistics, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, Dec. 16

  • 2016
    Katakami, S., S. Ito, K. Ohta (DPRI), R. Hino, S. Suzuki (TOHOKU U), and M. Shinohara (U TOKYO), 2016 Micro low-frequency tremor near the Japan Trench before the Tohoku-Oki earthquake,S41C-06, 2016 Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15 Dec.

  • 2016
    Ohta K., Y. Ito (DPRI), K. Ujiie (TSUKUBA U), A. Fagereng (Cardiff U), S. Katakami (DPRI) and T. Kinoshita (TSUKUBA U), Constraining the thickness of tremor source region on the basis of seismological and geological observations in southwest Japan, AGU Fall meeting, T11-5F, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2016.12.12

  • 2016
    Flores K (UNAM), Hjörleifsdóttir V (UNAM), Iglesias A (UNAM), Singh SK (UNAM), Did the Long Duration, April 18, 2002 (Mw 6.7), Mexico Earthquake Break the Guerrero Gap? AGU, San Fransisco, CA Dec 2016, Poster

  • 2016
    H.S. Sánchez-Reyes (UGA), J. Tago (UNAM), L. Métivier, V.M. Cruz-Atienza (UNAM), M. Contreras-Zazueta (UNAM) and J. Virieux (UGA), “An evolutive real-time source inversion based on a linear inverse formulation” in 2016 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco California, Dec. 12 -16 2016.

  • 2016
    Genta Nakano (Graduate School of Informatics) and Katsuya Yamori (DPRI), Tsunami evacuation drill at school of Zihuatanejo, Mexico: Resolving "double bind" situation, Recent Advances in Earthquake, Tsunami, and Volcano Monitoring, Hazard Evaluation, and Disaster Management in Latin America, Ecuador, March 14-16, Oral Presentation.

  • 2016
    中野元太(情報学研究科)・矢守克也(DPRI)・伊藤喜宏(DPRI)・孫英英(四川大学災害復興管理学院)・李旉昕(DPRI), メキシコ・シワタネホでの学校における津波避難訓練‐ダブルバインド状態の解消に向けて-,平成28年度京都大学防災研究所研究発表講演会, 2017年2月22日, 口頭発表.

  • 2016
    伊藤喜宏、メキシコ沿岸部の巨大地震・津波災害の軽減 に向けた総合的研究、平成28年度京都大学防災研究所研究発表講演会,2017年2月22日, 口頭発表.

  • 2016
    Victor M. Cruz-Atienza (UNAM), Mexico SATREPS project, Recent Advances in Earthquake, Tsunami, and Volcano Monitoring, Hazard Evaluation, and Disaster Management in Latin America, 2017. Mar. 14

  • 2016
    Yoshihiro Ito (DPRI), Earthquake monitoring using ocean-bottom observations, Recent Advances in Earthquake, Tsunami, and Volcano Monitoring, Hazard Evaluation, and Disaster Management in Latin America, 2017. Mar. 14

  • 2016
    Satoshi Ide(U TOKYO), Universality and diversity of slow earthquakes in world subduction zones, Recent Advances in Earthquake, Tsunami, and Volcano Monitoring, Hazard Evaluation, and Disaster Management in Latin America, 2017. Mar. 14

  • 2016
    Vladimir Kostoglodov (UNAM), GPS studies of crustal deformation in Mexico (Subduction earthquakes, Slow slip events and Seismic cycle), Recent Advances in Earthquake, Tsunami, and Volcano Monitoring, Hazard Evaluation, and Disaster Management in Latin America, 2017. Mar. 15

  • 2016
    Shunichi Koshimura(TOHOKU U), Overview, Recent Advances in Earthquake, Tsunami, and Volcano Monitoring, Hazard Evaluation, and Disaster Management in Latin America, 2017. Mar. 15

  • 2016
    Tomás Sánchez (CENAPRED), Recent experiences in cultural promotion and education for disaster risk reduction in Mexico, Recent Advances in Earthquake, Tsunami, and Volcano Monitoring, Hazard Evaluation, and Disaster Management in Latin America, 2017. Mar. 16

  • 2016
    Genta Nakano (DPRI), Tsunami evacuation drill at school of Zihuatanejo, Mexico: Resolving "double bind" situation, Recent Advances in Earthquake, Tsunami, and Volcano Monitoring, Hazard Evaluation, and Disaster Management in Latin America, 2017. Mar. 16

  • 2016
    Prasetyo, A., T. Tomiczek, T. Yasuda, N. Mori, H. Mase, A. Kennedy (2016) Physical experiments of tsunami runup and force on building cluster using a hybrid tsunami generator, Coastlab2016, Ottawa, 1p.

  • 2016
    Suenaga, N. (Kobe U.), Y. Ji (Kobe U.), S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), V. C. Manea (UNAM) and M. Manea (UNAM), 3D thermal convection modeling associated with subduction of the Cocos plate in southern Mexico - Effects of trench retreat on temperature and flow fields -, Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2016, Sep 13, Poster.

  • 2016
    T. Nishimura (DPRI, KU) and C. Kostoglodov (UNAM), Preliminary result on detecting short-term SSEs in the Mexican subduction zone, Joint work shop on slow earthquakes 2016, Sep. 14, P01

  • 2016
    Vladimir Kostoglodov, Nathalie Cotte, Andrea Walpersdorf, and Jose Antonio Santiago (Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México City, Mexico. Institut des Sciences de la Terre, Université Joseph Fourier, CNRS, IRD, Grenoble, France), Large slow slip events in Mexico from tide gauge records, Sept. 14, oral. Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes ERI, Tokyo, 2016.

  • 2016
    Suenaga, N. (Kobe U.), Y. Ji (Kobe U.), S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), M. Manea (UNAM) and V. C. Manea (UNAM), Numerical simulations of temperature, dehydration, and flow fields associated with subduction of the cocos plate, and its relation to the occurrence of interplate seismic events in southern mexico, Annual Meeting 2016, Mexico, Nov 1, Oral.

  • 2016
    Angel Ruiz-Angulo(UNAM), Nobuhito Mori(U.Kyoto), Katsuichiro Goda (U. Bristol), Tomohiro Yasuda (U. Kansai), Toshitaka Baba (U. Tokushima), Shunichi Koshimura (U. Tohoku), Erick Mas (U. Tohoku), Luisa Urra (U. Tohoku), Bruno Adriano (U. Tohoku), Jorge Zavala-Hidalgo (UNAM), Vala Hjorleifsdottir (UNAM), Yoshihiro Ito (DPRI), Victor Cruz-Atienza (UNAM). OVERVIEW OF THE SATREPS TSUNAMI MODELING GROUP: COMPREHENSIVE TSUNAMI HAZARD ASSESSMENT OF THE MEXICAN PACIFIC COAST. RAUGM 2016, Nov 1, Talk.

  • 2016
    Maury Julie, Ide Satoshi, Cruz-Atienza Víctor Manuel, Kostoglodov Vladimir and Pérez-Campos Xyoli, Detection of very low frequency earthquakes in the Mexican subduction zone, SE12-5, Unión Geofísica Mexicana, UGM-2016, oral.

  • 2016
    Kostoglodov, V. (UNAM), V. M. Cruz Atienza, A. Husker, Y. Ito, Unveiling the mystery of the Guerrero Seismic Gap, Reunión Anual de la Unión Geofísica Mexicana, Puerto Vallarta, México, 30 Oct. – 4 Nov., 2016, Poster.

  • 2016
    Kostoglodov Vladimir, Cruz-Atienza Víctor Manuel, Husker Allen (UNAM) snd Yoshihiro Ito (DPRI),Unveiling the mystery of the Guerrero seismic gap, SE12-1, UniónGeofísica Mexicana, UGM-2016, oral.

  • 2016
    Maury, J., Ide, S., Cruz‐Atienza, V. M., Kostoglodov, V., Perez‐Campos, X. Detection of Very Low Frequency earthquakes in the Mexican subduction zone, AGU 2016, Dec 15

  • 2016
    Suenaga, N. (Kobe U.), Y. Ji (Kobe U.), S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), M. Manea (UNAM) and V. C. Manea (UNAM), Numerical simulations of temperature, dehydration, and flow fields associated with subduction of the Cocos plate, and its relation to the occurrence of interplate seismic events in southern Mexico, AGU FALL MEETING 2016, United States, Dec 13, Poster.

  • 2016
    森信人・合田且一朗・Angel ANGULO・安田誠宏、メキシコ太平洋側の確率的津波評価、平成28年度京都大学防災研究所研究発表講演会,2017年2月22日, 口頭発表.

  • 2016
    Maury, J., Ide, S., Cruz‐Atienza, V. M., Kostoglodov, V., Perez‐Campos, X. Slow earthquakes along the Mexican subduction, C01C02 joint study group, Fukuoka, Feb 21

  • 2017
    Ito, Y., , S. Katakami, K. Ohta, M. Uemura, T. Muramoto, and E. S. M. Garcia (Kyoto U), Interaction between slow and fast slips in the Japan Trench: Prospect from near field ocean bottom seismic and geodetic observations, SSA 2017, (April 18, 2017, Denver, CO)

  • 2017
    Ito, Y. (Kyoto U), , M. Ikari (MARUM), K. Ujiie (U. Tsukuba) and A. Kopf (MARUM), Slip-dependent weakening on shallow plate boundary fault in the Japan subduction zone: shallow coseismic slip facilitated by foreshock afterslip, EGU 2017, (April 25, 2017, Viena, Wien)

  • 2017
    Vlad Constantin Manea, Marina Manea, Luca Ferrari, María Teresa Orozco, Raúl Wong Valenzuela, Allen Leroy Husker, Vlad Kostoglodovc and Constantin Ionescu, Cartel: A review of the geodynamic evolution of flat slab subduction in Mexico, Peru, and Chile, EGU General Assembly, Austria, 2017 Apr.

  • 2017
    Fukui, I., N. Mori, A. Prasetyo, H. Mase (2017) Numerical modeling of tsunami inundation using upscaled surface roughness parameterization, JpGU, Chiba

  • 2017
    佐藤 圭介・吉岡 祥一・青地 秀雄, 2016年鳥取県中部地震の動的断層破壊シミュレーション, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, 千葉, 2017 May.

  • 2017
    田中 もも・吉岡 祥一, テクトニックな変動から推定した東北地方太平洋沖地震前のプレート間の固着と非地震性すべりの時空間分布, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, 千葉, 2017 May.

  • 2017
    Suenaga, N., S. Yoshioka and T. Matsumoto, 2-D thermal modeling along a non-volcanic region in southern Kyushu, Japan, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, 2017 May.

  • 2017
    Ji, Y. and S. Yoshioka, Thermal regime and slab dehydration in the subducted Juan de Fuca plate beneath the Cascadia subduction zone based on 3D numerical simulation, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, 2017 May.

  • 2017
    Sanchez, T. A., (CENAPRED) and Valdes C. M., (CENAPRED) Take benefit of SINAPROC capabilities to strengthen the SATREPS Project Mexico-Japan, Workshop on the collaborative project between Japan and Mexico: Hazard Assessment of Large Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Mexican Pacific Coast for Disaster Mitigation, Kasugano International Forum in Nara, Japan, July 28th 2017.

  • 2017
    Guillermo González, Allen Husker, Cartel: Study of repeating events in the Jalisco subduction zone, Mexico, Modalidad: Presencial, Workshop on the collaborative project between Japan and Mexico: Hazard Assessment of Large Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Mexican Pacific Coast for Disaster Mitigation, Nara, 2017 Jul.

  • 2017
    Allen Husker, Xyoli Pérez-Campos, Luca Ferrari, Claudia Arrango, Jorge Castillo, Oral: The structure of the Guerrero Gap and the down-dip slow slip region, Modalidad: Presencial, Workshop on the collaborative between Japan and Mexico: Hazard Assessment of Large Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Mexican Pacific Coast for Disaster Mitigation, Nara, 2017 Jul.

  • 2017
    M. Calò, A. Husker, A. Iglesias Mendoza, Cartel: Trans-dimensional inversions for detecting layered structures, and Enhanced Seismic Tomography for imaging 3D high-resolution models. Two methods for improving the knowledge of the Guerrero region, Workshop on the collaborative project between Japan and Mexico: Hazard Assessment of Large Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Mexican Pacific Coast for Disaster Mitigation, Nara, 2017 Jul.

  • 2017
    Tanaka, M., S. Yoshioka and Y. Nishino, Spatiotemporal distribution of locking and aseismic slips prior to the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, IAG-IASPEI 2017, Kobe, 2017 Aug.

  • 2017
    Suenaga, N., S. Yoshioka and T. Matsumoto,Two-dimentional thermal modeling associated with subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate beneath southern Kyushu, Japan, IAG-IASPEI 2017, Kobe, 2017 Aug.

  • 2017
    Sato, K., S. Yoshioka and H. Aochi, Estimation of the dynamic repture parameters for the 2016 Tottoriken-chubu earthquake, IAG-IASPEI 2017, Kobe, 2017 Aug.

  • 2017
    Allen Husker, Jorge Castillo, Xyoli Perez-Campos, William Frank, Cartel: Anisotropy in the subducted oceanic crust and the overlying continental crust coincides with slow slip phenomena in the flat portion of the Mexican subduction zone, IASPEI Assembly, 2017.

  • 2017
    E. Kazachkina, V. Kostoglodov, A. L. Husker, J. A. Santiago, N. Cotte, A. Walpersdorf, Cartel: o Complex interaction between thrust and strike-slip motion in the Mexican oblique subduction zone, IAG-IASPEI 2017, Joint Scientific Assembly, Kobe, 2017 Jul.

  • 2017
    Guillermo Gonzalez, Allen Husker, William Frank, Leticia Avila, Cartel: Study of repeating events in the alisco subduction zone, Mexico, IASPEI Assembly, Kobe, 2017 Jul.

  • 2017
    Jorge Real, Vladimir Kostoglodov, Allen Husker, Cartel: Analysis of ambient seismic noise levels for the SATREPS stations and their technical aspects, IASPEI Assembly, Kobe, 2017 Jul.

  • 2017
    J. Tago (UNAM), L. Metivier (UGA), R. Brossier (UGA), V.M. Cruz-Atienza (UNAM) and J. Virieux (UGA), “Resolution analysis for earthquake kinematics inversion” in 2017 IAG-IASPEI joint meeting, Kobe, Japan, July 30 – Aug. 4 2017.

  • 2017
    H. Sánchez-Reyes (UGA), J. Tago (UNAM), V.M. Cruz-Atienza (UNAM), L. Metivier (UGA), M. Contreras-Zazueta (UNAM) and J. Virieux (UGA), “An evolutive quasi-real-time source inversion based on a linear inverse formulation” in 2017 IAG-IASPEI joint meeting, Kobe, Japan, July 30 – Aug. 4 2017.

  • 2017
    V.M. Cruz-Atienza (UNAM), J. Tago (UNAM), J.D. Sanabria-Gómez (UIS), E. Chaljub (UGA), V. Etienne (SA), J. Virieux (UGA) and L. Quintanar (UNAM), “Long Duration of Ground Motion in the Paradigmatic Valley of Mexico” in 2017 IAG-IASPEI joint meeting, Kobe, Japan, July 30 – Aug. 4 2017.

  • 2017
    Genta Nakano (Kyoto University) & Katsuya Yamori (Kyoto University), Adapting the disaster knowledge for the local context-Practices of Tsunami disaster education in Zihuatanejo city, Mexico. Joint Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy and the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior, 2017, Aug 4. Oral Presentation.

  • 2017
    Ji, Y. and S. Yoshioka, Interplate thermal regime and slab dehydration at the source region of episodic tremor and slow slip events in the Cascadia subduction zone, Japan, 2017 Aug.

  • 2017
    Hori, T., R. Nakata, H. Hino, T. Kuwatani, S. Yoshioka and M. Osada, Geodetic invention for spatial distridution of slow earthquakes under sparsity constraints, International Meeting on “High-Dimensional Data-Driven Science” (HD3-2017), Kyoto, 2017 Sep.

  • 2017
    Tanaka, M. and S. Yoshioka, Spatiotemporal distribution of interplate locking and aseismic slip prior to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, スロー地震合同研究集会2017, Matsuyama, 2017 Sep.

  • 2017
    Sato, K., S. Yoshioka and H. Aochi, On spatial distribution of dynamic rupture parameters for the 2016 Tottoriken-chubu earthquake, スロー地震合同研究集会2017, Matsuyama, 2017 Sep.

  • 2017
    Panning, M., S. Stähler, B. Bills, J. Castillo Castellanos, H. Huang, A. Husker, S. Kedar, R. Lorenz, W. T. Pike, N. Schmerr, V. Tsai, S. D. Vance, Cartel: Seismic signal and noise on Europa and how to use it, Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting, USA, 2017 Oct.

  • 2017
    J. Tago (UNAM), V.M. Cruz-Atienza (UNAM), C. Villafuerte-Urbina (UNAM) and H.S. Sánchez-Reyes (UGA) “Slow slip inversion in Guerrero using the adjoint method” in 2017 Annual Reunion of the Mexican Geophysics Union, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, Oct. 22 – 27 2017.

  • 2017
    Genta Nakano (Kyoto University) & Katsuya Yamori (Kyoto University), Comparative Analysis of Tsunami Evacuation Drill in Zihuatanejo- Resolving “Double bind” situation, Annual Meeting 2017 Mexican Geophysical Union, 2017, Oct 23, Oral Presentation.

  • 2017
    Takuya Iwahori(Kyoto University) A Case Study on Disaster Education Programme with Mamten Seismic Observation Project, Annual Meeting 2017 Mexican Geophysical Union 2017, October 24, Oral Presentation

  • 2017
    Yabe, S. (JAMSTEC), and S. Ide (UTokyo), 摩擦不均質モデルによる前震・余震生成 (The genesis of foreshocks and aftershocks in the frictionally heterogeneous fault model), 日本地震学会秋季大会, 2017 Oct. 26

  • 2017
    吉岡祥一・田中もも, テクトニックな変動から推定した2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震前のプレートの固着状態と非地震性すべりの時空間分布, 東京大学大気海洋研究所共同利用研究集会「地球環境と固体地球のかかわり」, 柏, 2017 Nov.

  • 2017
    Ito, Y. (Kyoto U), , Y. Kaneko, L. Wallace, S. Henrys (GNS Sci.), S. Webb (LDEO), T. Muramoto, K. Ohta (Kyoto U), K. Mochizuki (U Tokyo), S. Suzuki, M. Kido and R. Hino (Tohoku U), Seismic waves triggering slow slip event on the pressure gauge records in the Hikurangi subducting margin, AGU 2017, (December 11, 2017, New Orleans, USA)

  • 2017
    Garcia, E. S. M. (DPRI), Y. Ito (DPRI), Small-scale Forearc Structure from Residual Bathymetry and Vertical Gravity Gradients at the Cocos-North America Subduction Zone offshore Mexico, AGU 2017, Dec 1.

  • 2017
    Allen Husker, Guillermo Gonzalez, Luis A. Dominguez, Sara I. Franco-Sánchez, Ekaterina Kazachkina, Vladimir Kostoglodov, Is there physical evidence that the M8.2 8-Sep-17 earthquake triggered the M7.1 19-Sep-17 earthquake?, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017

  • 2017
    Allen L Husker, Leticia Avila, Guillermo Gonzalez, William Frank, Vladimir Kostoglodov, Oral: What many years of tremor reveals about the Mexican Sweet Spot, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 2017 Dec.

  • 2017
    A. Velasco, H. Gonzalez-Huizar, M. Karplus, A. Husker, O. Dena, X. Perez-Campos, M. Calò, C.M. Valdes, Cartel: Rapid Seismic Deployment for Capturing Aftershocks of the September 2017 Tehuantepec, Mexico (M=8.1) and Morelos-Puebla (M=7.1), Mexico Earthquakes, AGU FALL meeting, New Orleans, 2017 Dec.

  • 2017
    Mark P Panning, Simon C. Stähler, Bruce G Bills, Jorge Castillo, Hsin-Hua Huang, Allen L Husker, Sharon Kedar, Ralph D Lorenz, William T Pike, Nicholas C Schmerr, Victor C Tsai and Steven Vance, Seismic signal and noise on Europa and how to use it, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 2017 Dec.

  • 2017
    X. Pérez-Campos, R. W. Clayton, M. A. Rodríguez-Domínguez, R. Valenzuela, R. Husker, A. Iglesias and S. K. Singh, Cartel: A review of the complex geometry of Cocos slab under North America, Seismological Society of America 2017 Annual Meeting, USA, 2017.

  • 2017
    V.M. Cruz-Atienza (UNAM), J. Tago (UNAM), C. Villafuerte-Urbina (UNAM), E. Chaljub (UGA) and J.D. Sanabria-Gómez (UIS), “A physical model of the Mexico City seismic response after the damaging M7.1 earthquake of September 19, 2017” in 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, Dec. 11 -15 2017.

  • 2017
    Yabe, S. (JAMSTEC), and S. Ide (UTokyo), Various slip behaviors in the frictionally heterogeneous fault model, AGU, 2017 Dec. 14

  • 2017
    中野元太(京都大学)・杉山高志 (京都大学)・岩堀卓弥 (京都大学)・矢守克也 (京都大学)・李旉昕(京都大学), メキシコ・シワタネホと黒潮町の中学校合同津波避難訓練―シワタネホに見る効果―, 平成29年度京都大学防災研究所研究発表講演会, 2018年2月20日, 口頭発表

  • 2017
    岩堀卓弥(京都大学)中野元太(京都大学)・矢守克也(京都大学),地震学に関する理科教育の日墨比較研究,平成29年度京都大学防災研究所研究発表講演会,2018年2月20日, 口頭発表.

  • 2017
    Allen Husker, Vladimir Kostoglodov, Satoshi Ide, Oral: A2: Summary of 2-years achievements on the SATREPS project, Modalidad: Presencial, Workshop on the collaborative project between Japan and Mexico: Hazard Assessment of Large Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Mexican Pacific Coast for Disaster Mitigation, Nara, 2017 Jul.

  • 2017
    Vladimir Kostoglodov, Victor Cruz-Atienza, Allen Husker, Yoshihiro Ito, Oral: SATREPS onshore networks: Scientific goals and expected results, Modalidad: Presencial, Workshop on the collaborative project between Japan and Mexico: Hazard Assessment of Large Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Mexican Pacific Coast for Disaster Mitigation, Mexico, 2017 Jul.

  • 2017
    Fukui, I., N. Mori, A. Prasetyo, H. Mase (2017) Numerical modeling of tsunami inundation over coastal city using drag force parameterization, International Tsunami Symposium 2017, Bali, Indonesia.

  • 2017
    Prasetyo, A., T. Yasuda, N. Mori, H. Mase (2017) Physical and numerical modeling of tsunami inundation, International Tsunami Symposium 2017, Bali, Indonesia.

  • 2017
    Yasuda, T.,, A. Prasetyo, N. Mori, H. Mase (2017) Physical Model Experiment of Tsunami Inundation with Arbitrary Waveform Generation, International Tsunami Symposium 2017, Bali, Indonesia.

  • 2017
    Mori, N., K. Goda and D.T. Cox (2017) Overview of Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment and Its Application, International Tsunami Symposium 2017, Bali, Indonesia.

  • 2017
    Miyashita, T., N. Mori, D. T. Cox (2017) Simulation of tsunami inundation in city scale model, The 7th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM7), Reeds, UK.

  • 2017
    Maury, J., Ide, S., Cruz-Atienza, V., and Kostoglodov, V., Spatio-temporal variations in slow earthquakes along the Mexican subduction zone, 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, AGU 2017, Dec 14

  • 2018
    Banay, Y. (Kobe U.), S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.) and Y. Ji (Kobe U.), 3D Rheology effects on postseismic viscoelastic surface displacement fields in subduction zones, 日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会, 千葉, 2018/5/20

  • 2018
    秋山 峻寛 (Kobe U.)・吉岡 祥一 (Kobe U.)・田中 もも (Kobe U.), GNSSデータを用いた日本列島の歪速度場の時空間変化, 日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会, 千葉, 2018/5/20

  • 2018
    Nakata, R. (JAMSTEC), H. Hino (ROIS), T. Kuwatani (JAMSTEC), M. Tanaka (Kobe U.), S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), M. Okada (Tokyo U.) and T. Hori (JAMSTEC), Spatial distribution of long-term slow slip events beneath the Bungo Channel under sparsity constraints (II), 日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会, 千葉, 2018/5/23

  • 2018
    Banay, Y. (Kobe U.), S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), M. Tanaka (Kobe U.) and Y. Ji (Kobe U.), Postseismic displacement field associated with the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake by temperature dependent viscosity model, 日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会, 千葉, 2018/5/23

  • 2018
    Victor Manuel Cruz Atienza, Rapid Tremor Migration and Pore-Pressure Waves in Subduction Zones, the 15th Videoconference of Mathematical and Computational Modeling, May 25, 2018

  • 2018
    Fukui, N., A. Prasetyo and N. Mori (2018) Numerical modeling of tsunami inundation using subgrid scale urban roughness parameterization, The 8th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, USA.

  • 2018
    Yasuda, T., A. Prasetyo, V. Johnson and N. Mori (2018) Physical and Numerical Modelling of Tsunami Inundation in Coastal Urban Area, AOGS 13th Annual Meeting

  • 2018
    Miyashita, T., T. Maruyama, K. Goda, T. Yasuda and N. Mori (2018) Effects of tsunami source variations and bathymetry amplification on probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment, The International Coastal Symposium (ICS2018), Busan

  • 2018
    Nakata, R. (JAMSTEC), H. Hino (ROIS), T. Kuwatani (JAMSTEC), S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), M. Okada (Tokyo U.) and T. Hori (JAMSTEC), Geodetic Data Inversion for Spatial Distribution of Long-term Slow Slip Events Beneath the Bungo Channel, Southwest Japan, Using Sparse Modelling, AOGS 15th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2018/6/6

  • 2018
    Nakata, R. (JAMSTEC), H. Hino (ROIS), T. Kuwatani (JAMSTEC), S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), M. Okada (Tokyo U.) and T. Hori (JAMSTEC), Discussion based on spatial distribution of long-term slow slip events beneath the Bungo Channel, International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2018, 福岡, 2018/9/21-23

  • 2018
    Tanaka, M. (Kobe U.) and S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), Spatiotemporal Distributions of Interplate Coupling and Aseismic Slips Prior to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake Inferred From GNSS Data, 10th ACES International Workshop, 南あわじ, 2018/9/25

  • 2018
    田中 もも (Kobe U.)・吉岡 祥一 (Kobe U.), 東北地方太平洋沖地震前 15 年間の地殻変動から推定したプレート間の固着・非地震性すべりの時空間分布, 日本地震学会2018年度秋季大会, 郡山, 2018/10/11

  • 2018
    長田 史應 (Osaka U.)・吉岡 祥一 (Kobe U.)・馬場 俊孝 (Tokushima U.), 東北地方太平洋域地震の隣接地域における想定海溝型巨大地震に伴う津波の数値シミュレーション, 日本地震学会2018年度秋季大会, 郡山, 2018/10/11

  • 2018
    Yoshioka, S. (Kobe U.), Three-dimensional thermal modeling associated with subduction of the Cocos plate beneath southern Mexico, and its relation to the occurrence of interplate seismic events, JST-JICA-UNAM Workshop for the Mid-term Evaluation, CDMX, México, 2018/11/5

  • 2018
    Tanaka, M. (Kobe U.), S. Yoshioka (Kobe U.), Spatiotemporal locking state on the plate interface prior to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake inverted from GNSS data, AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., 2018/12/11

  • 2018
    Ito, Y., , S. Webb, Y. Kaneko, L. Wallace, and R. Hino (2018), Ground motion and its ocean bottom amplification in subduction zones, AGU 2018, (December 13, 2018, Washington D.C., USA)

  • 2018
    岩堀卓弥(京都大学)中野元太(京都大学)・矢守克也(京都大学),地震学に関する理科教育の日墨比較研究,平成30年度日本自然災害学会学術講演会, 2018年10月6日, 口頭発表.

  • 2018
    Iwahori, T. Nakano, G. Yamori, K (2018), Comparative studies of Japanese and Mexican science education about seismology, RAUGM 2018, (28 Oct. – 2 Nov. , 2018, Puerto Vallarta, México)

  • 2018
    Satoshi Ide, Seismic observation of slow earthquakes in Nankai, Cascadia, and Mexico, Reunión Anual 2018, UGM, Oct. 30, 2018

  • 2018
    岩堀卓弥(京都大学)中野元太(京都大学)・矢守克也(京都大学),メキシコでの地震・津波防災教育の実践 -教育カリキュラムの日墨比較を通したカルチュラル・チューニング- ,平成30年度京都大学防災研究所研究発表講演会,2019年2月19日, 口頭発表.

  • 2018
    中野元太・杉山高志・岩堀卓弥・矢守克也・李旉昕, (2018), メキシコ・シワタネホと黒潮町の中学校合同津波避難訓練―シワタネホに見る効果―, 平成29年度 京都大学防災研究所研究発表講演会

  • 2018
    井上 智裕(京都大学理学研究科)、Analysis of Ocean Bottom Pressure in Hikurangi subduction zone、スロー地震国際合同研究集会、アクロス福岡、2018年9月21-23日

  • 2018
    井上 智裕(京都大学理学研究科)、Detection of seafloor crustal deformation from ocean bottom pressure data using amplitude correction of non-tidal components、American Geophysical Union、Washington.D.C、2018年12月10-14日

  • 2018
    Ito, Y (京都大学)., , S. Webb, Y. Kaneko, L. Wallace, and R. Hino (東北大学) , Ground motion and its ocean bottom amplification in subduction zones, AGU 2018, (December 13, 2018, Washington D.C., USA)

  • 2018
    225.Shoichi Yoshioka, Yingfeng Ji, Vlad C. Manea and Marina Manea, 環太平洋沈み込み帯における温度・脱水分布とプレート間地震の解明に向けて, 研究集会「夢のある話を」, 京都, 2018年3月

  • 2018
    Yoshioka, S. (Kobe U.), Y. Ji (Kobe U.), V. C. Manea (UNAM) and M. Manea (UNAM), Seismogenesis of Double Subduction Beneath Kanto, Central Japan Controlled by Fluid Release, 10th ACES International Workshop, 南あわじ, 2018/9/25

  • 2018
    Yoshioka, S. (Kobe U.), Y. Ji (Kobe U.), V. C. Manea (UNAM), M. Manea (UNAM), Seismogenesis of Dual Subduction Beneath Kanto, Central Japan Controlled by Fluid Release, AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., 2018/12/11