
  • March 14-16, 2017
    SATREPS workshop for Latin America in Quito, Ecuador

    Total 6 investigators from the project participated in the regional workshop “Recent Advances in Earthquakes, Tsunami and Volcano Monitoring, Hazard Evaluation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Latin America” held in Quito and exchanged knowledge and experience with other SATREPS projects related to earthquakes and tsunamis.

  • July 26-27, 2017
    SATREPS workshop in Nara, Japan

    About 60 project members participated in the workshop held in Nara on July 26-28 and had a fruitful discussion about the project.

  • December 5, 2017
    “Build Back Better”(BBB) Reconstruction Seminar

    The seminar was organized by the Government of Mexico and JICA on December 5, 2017 in response to the two large earthquakes occurred in Mexico in September 2017. From the project, several experts from Kyoto University, UNAM and CENAPRED participated in the seminar and contributed to the discussion.

  • November 5-6, 2018
    SATREPS workshop in the UNAM, Mexico City

    As part of the mid-term evaluation by JST, Institute of Geophysics with its Mexican and Japanese counterparts held a workshop (November 5-6) aimed to provide the latest project progress to JST experts and other stakeholders.