Scientific Sessions
September 13-15, 2016
Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquake 2016
The workshop was held at Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), University of Tokyo, and attended by various project members, including 2 Mexican investigators who were invited as speaker. Some results of data analysis related to the project were shared and discussed.October 31-November 4, 2016
Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) Annual Meeting 2016
The meeting in Puerto Vallarta was attended by various project members, including 6 Japanese exerts and students. The project was presented in the special session on SATREPS, which was participated by approx. 70 persons. Besides, information materials about the project were distributed during the SATREPS session and at the exhibition stand during the event.December 12-16, 2016
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2016
4 investigators from the project participated in the meeting held in San Francisco and gathered information related to the project.May 22-26, 2017
2017 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
The Japanese project leader participated in the event held in Cancun and made a presentation titled “Public partnership between Japan and Mexico on disaster mitigation of large earthquake and tsunami hazards: the SATREPS project”.October 22-27, 2017
Mexican Geophysical Union (UGM) Annual Meeting 2017
Approximately 15 project members participated in the conference and made presentations on the subjects related to the project. A special session related to the link of Geosciences with Risk Management was conducted.December 11-15, 2017
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2017
Several project members participated in the meeting held in New Orleans and shared project results with scientific community.May 14-17, 2018
Joint Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission and the Seismological Society of America
Several project members participated in the meeting held in Miami, Florida and chaired the session “The Recent Earthquakes that Shocked Mexico in September 2017”.October 28-November 2, 2018
Mexican Geophysics Union (UGM) Annual Meeting 2018
Several project members participated in the annual meeting held in Puerto Vallarta and shared project results with the scientific community.December 10-14, 2018
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2018
Several project members participated in the annual meeting held in Washington, D.C. and shared project results with the scientific community.