Viernes, 14 de Marzo de 2025


Page 1 of 1, showing 18 records out of 18 total, starting on record 1, ending on 18

Id Username Password Fname Lname Lnamem Fullname Titulo Nombramiento Telefonos Fax Extension Fotografia Primerapagina Email Group Active Created Modified Actions
11 xperez caf2d8e4e1ef84c4582d19a2dd5652ed4ae9c3f1 Xyoli Pérez Campos Xyoli Pérez Campos Dra. Investigador Titular B (+52-55) 5622-4126 (+52-55) 5616-2547 Conmutador 1295219159.jpg si Investigador 1 2009-01-25 20:40:30 2009-01-27 10:46:09 View Edit Delete
7 vkostoglodov caf2d8e4e1ef84c4582d19a2dd5652ed4ae9c3f1 Vladimir Kostoglodov Vladimir Kostoglodov Dr. Investigador Titular C (525) 55 622 4138 (525) 55 616 2547 Conmutador 1233086407.jpg no Investigador 1 2009-01-27 14:00:08 View Edit Delete
5 vcruz 0e5410fe1c0d95b01ed062f77c2b0d2ce36e12a6 Victor Manuel CRUZ ATIENZA Victor Manuel CRUZ ATIENZA Dr. Investigador Titular C +(5255) 56-22-41-26 +(5255) 56-16-25-47 Conmutador 1240889719.jpg si Investigador 1 2009-01-07 13:22:26 2009-04-27 22:35:20 View Edit Delete
13 ksingh caf2d8e4e1ef84c4582d19a2dd5652ed4ae9c3f1 Shri Krishna Singh Singh Shri Krishna Singh Singh Dr. Investigador Emerito Conmutador 1258836142.jpg si Investigador 1 2009-01-25 20:42:27 2009-01-25 20:42:27 View Edit Delete
52 sara 01761c1cf5e136f056a6011773cb596bf2dde5e1 Sara Ivonne Franco Sánchez Sara Ivonne Franco Sánchez Dra. Tecnico Titular C si 1 2021-08-24 01:26:35 2021-08-24 01:26:35 View Edit Delete
15 rvalenzuela 1d5e9a7b143b3a2f1274646d4c5c3a2b56d7d02b Raúl VALENZUELA Wong Raúl VALENZUELA Wong Dr. Investigador Titular A (52) (55) 5616-2547 Conmutador 1306276039.jpg si Investigador 1 2009-01-25 20:50:33 2009-01-27 11:22:49 View Edit Delete
29 caf2d8e4e1ef84c4582d19a2dd5652ed4ae9c3f1 Luis Quintanar Robles Luis Quintanar Robles Dr. Investigador Titular B 5622-4127 5616-2547 Conmutador 1255113445.jpg si 0 2009-10-09 13:37:26 2009-10-09 13:37:26 View Edit Delete
53 pepe 105d354271f3d819f61480378d0842ea6a76f2e4 José Antonio Santiago José Antonio Santiago M. en C. Tecnico Titular A si 1 2021-08-24 01:32:35 2021-08-24 01:32:35 View Edit Delete
47 J 9b42754a30cabae812c733e107e2d50f716d6482 Jorge REAL PEREZ Jorge REAL PEREZ M. en C. Tecnico Titular A +(5255) 56-22-41-26 si 1 2015-11-07 15:17:38 2015-11-07 15:17:38 View Edit Delete
14 gsuarez 27978aa9953f1db32168602f2c90065f634513ba Gerardo SUAREZ REYNOSO Gerardo SUAREZ REYNOSO Dr. Investigador Titular C Conmutador 1258836633.jpg si Investigador 1 2009-01-25 20:43:29 2009-11-21 14:50:33 View Edit Delete
51 katia ec4422fe10e99e26add94ec2838059b1588d9b24 Ekaterina KAZACHKINA A Ekaterina KAZACHKINA A Dra. Tecnico Titular A A A A si 1 2021-08-24 01:20:36 2021-08-24 01:20:36 View Edit Delete
10 dnovelo caf2d8e4e1ef84c4582d19a2dd5652ed4ae9c3f1 David A. Novelo Casanova David A. Novelo Casanova Dr. Investigador Titular B 45-22-41-26 Conmutador 1268429005.jpg si Investigador 1 2009-01-25 20:38:56 2010-03-12 15:23:25 View Edit Delete
8 clomnitz caf2d8e4e1ef84c4582d19a2dd5652ed4ae9c3f1 Cinna Lomnitz Aronsfrau Cinna Lomnitz Aronsfrau Dr. Investigador Emerito Conmutador 1244495015.jpg si Investigador 1 2009-01-25 20:34:07 2009-06-08 16:03:35 View Edit Delete
16 cvaldes caf2d8e4e1ef84c4582d19a2dd5652ed4ae9c3f1 Carlos Valdés González Carlos Valdés González Dr Investigador Titular C 5622 4100 5616 2547 Conmutador 1242084207.jpg si Investigador 1 2009-01-25 20:51:43 2009-05-11 18:23:28 View Edit Delete
9 cmortera caf2d8e4e1ef84c4582d19a2dd5652ed4ae9c3f1 Carlos Mortera Gutierrez Carlos Mortera Gutierrez Dr. Investigador Titular A Conmutador 1258836656.jpg si carlosm Investigador 1 2009-01-25 20:36:47 2009-11-21 14:50:56 View Edit Delete
6 aiglesias 1763c7858d5e73fcbe84a332433357fdc1a5dd6c Arturo Iglesias Mendoza Arturo Iglesias Mendoza Dr. Investigador Titular B 56-22-41-38, 56-22-41-00 56162547 Responsable del LaGeos 1271083834.jpg si Investigador 1 2009-01-24 13:10:45 2009-01-27 20:07:08 View Edit Delete
1 admin dexter Administrador Paterno Materno Administrador Paterno Materno Admin RRRRR 12345678 3456789 3456789 1229470634.jpg si 1 2008-12-16 17:37:14 2008-12-16 17:37:14 View Edit Delete
54 ec4422fe10e99e26add94ec2838059b1588d9b24 si 0 2023-08-07 07:56:21 2023-08-07 07:56:21 View Edit Delete
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