Dr. Cinna Lomnitz Aronsfrau |
Investigador Emerito |
Departamento de Sismología
Instituto de Geofísica
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Teléfonos: (Ext: Conmutador) |
Fax: |
Correo Electrónico: cinna@prodigy.net.mx |
Castaños, Heriberta, and Cinna Lomnitz
Brief Communication: Understanding disasters and early-warning systems, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 3311-3316 , 2014 |
Castaños Heriberta and Cinna Lomnitz
Charles Darwin and the 1835 Chile Earthquake: Prograde ground motion, mountain building, and tsunamis, Seismological Research Letters, 84 19-23 , 2013 |
Robles-Gutiérrez, J.A., Cinna Lomnitz, C. Lacomba, J.M.A. Robles-Domínguez y M.A. Robles- Gutiérrez.
Dark Matter: A Result of Nonadditive Gravitational Forces, Geofísica Internacional, 52 153-157 , 2013 |
Anand Joshi, Ashvini Kumar, Cinna Lomnitz, Heriberta Castaños, and Shahid Akhtar
Applicability of attenuation relations for regional studies, Geofísica Internacional 51 349-363 , 2012 |
Nava, F. Alejandro and Cinna Lomnitz
The apparent paradox of exponentially distributed inter-earthquake intervals, Natural Hazards 76 1275-1279 , 2015 |
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