Jueves, 13 de Marzo de 2025
Publicaciones de Shri Krishna Singh Singh

Singh, S. K., A. Iglesias, R. S. Dattatrayam, B. K. Bansal, S. S. Rai, X. Pérez-Campos, G. Suresh, P. R. Baidya y J. L. Gautam,   Muzaffarabad earthquake of 8 October 2005 (Mw 7.6): A preliminary report on source characteristics and recorded ground motions, Current Science 91 689-695 , 2006
Singh S. K., A. Iglesias, D. García, J. F. Pacheco, and M. Ordaz.,   Q of Lg Waves in the Central Mexican Volcanic Belt., Bulletin of Seismological Society of America 97 No. 4 , 2007
Singh, S.K., A. Kumar, G. Suresh, M. Ordaz, J.F. Pacheco, M.L. Sharma, B.K. Bansal, R.S. Dattatrayam y E. Reinoso,   A study of Delhi earthquake of November 25, 2007 (Mw4.1): Implications for seismic hazard, Current Science 99 939-947 , 2010
Pérez-Campos, X., S. K. Singh, A. Iglesias, L. Alcántara, M. Ordaz and D. Legrand, L. A. Aguilar, D. Almora, M. Ambriz, M. Ayala, C. Cárdenas, G. Castro, J. L. Cruz, R. Delgado, J. Estrada, S. I. Franco-Sánchez1 M. A. Macías, I. Molina, F. Navarro, C. Pérez J. Pérez1, A. Quezada, L. Quintanar, L. E. Rodríguez, A. L. Ruiz, H. Sandoval, M. Torres, C. Valdés-González, R. Vázquez, J. M. Velasco, J. Velázquez, and M. Velázquez,   Intraslab Mexican earthquakes of 27 April 2009 (Mw5.8) and 22 May 2009 (Mw5.6): a source and ground motion study, Geofísica Internacional 49-3 153-163 , 2010
Pacheco, J.F., and S. K. Singh,,   Seismicity and state of stress in Guerrero segment of the Mexican subduction zone, Journal of Geophysical Research  115 , 2010
Iglesias, A., R. W. Clayton, X. Pérez-Campos, S. K. Singh, J. F. Pacheco, D. García y C. Valdés,   S-Wave velocity for a profile crossing Central Mexico by using high resolution surface wave tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research 115(6) art. no. B06307 , 2010
Cruz-Atienza Víctor M., A. Iglesias, J. F. Pacheco, N. M. Shapiro and S. K. Singh,   Crustal structure below the Valley of Mexico estimated from receiver functions., Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 100 3304–3311 , 2010
Arroyo, D., D. Garcia, M. Ordaz, M. A. Mora y S.K. Singh,   .Strong ground-motion relations for Mexican intreplate earthquakes,, Journal of Seismology 14 769-785 , 2010
Singh, S.K., A. Iglesias, V.H. Garduño, L. Quintanar, and M. Ordaz,   A source study of the October, 2007 earthquake sequence of Morelia, Mexico and ground-motion estimation from larger earthquakes in the region, Geofísica Internacional 51 1 , 2011
Singh, S.K., J. F. Pacheco, M. Ordaz, R.S. Dattatrayam, G. Suresh y P.R. Baidya,   Estimating arly tsunami potential of earthquakes in the Sumatra-Andaman region based on broadband seismograms in India, Natural Hazards 64 1491-1510 , 2011
Srinagesh, D., S.K. Singh, R.K. Chadha, A. Paul, G. Suresh, M. Ordaz y R. S. Dattatrayam,   Amplification of seismic waves in the central Indo-Gangetic Basin, India, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 101 2231-2242 , 2011
Srinagesh, D., S.K. Singh, R.K. Chadha, A. Paul, G. Suresh, M. Ordaz y R. S. Dattatrayam,   Amplification of seismic waves in the central Indo-Gangetic Basin, India, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 101 2231-2242 , 2011
Singh, S.K., A .Iglesias, M.Ordaz, X.Pérez-Campos, and L.Quintanar,   Estimation of Ground Motion in Mexico City from a Repeat of the M~7.0 Acambay Earthquake of 1912, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 101-5 2015-2028 , 2011
Singh, S.K., J. F. Pacheco, M. Ordaz, R.S. Dattatrayam, G. Suresh y P.R. Baidya,   Early tsunami potential from earthquakes in the Sumatra-Andaman region based on broadband seismograms in India, Natural Hazards 64 1491-1510 , 2012
Singh, S.K., A. Iglesias, V.H. Garduño, L. Quintanar y M. Ordaz,   , A source study of the October, 2007 earthquake sequence of Morelia, Mexico and ground-motion estimation from larger earthquakes in the region,, Geofísica Internacional 51-1 73-86 , 2012
Singh, S. K., X. Pérez-Campos, A. Iglesias, D. Melgar,   A Method for Rapid Estimation of Moment Magnitude for Early Tsunami Warning Based on Coastal GPS Networks, Seismological Research Letters 83-3 516-530 , 2012
Calderoni, G., A. Rovelli y S.K. Singh,   Stress drop and source scaling of the 2009 April L'Aquila earthquakes, Geophysical Journal International 192 260-274 , 2012
Singh, S.K., G. Suresh, H.P. Shukla, S. Martin, J. Havskov, X. Pérez-Campos, R.S. Dattatrayam, A. Iglesias,   The Delhi 1960 earthquake: epicentre, depth, and magnitude, Current Science 105-8 1155-1165 , 2013
Pérez-Campos, X., D. Melgar, S. K. Singh, Víctor M. Cruz-Atienza, A. Iglesias, V. Hjörleifsdóttir,   Rapid estimation of fault parameters for tsunami warning along the Mexican subduction zone: A scenario earthquake in the Guerrero seismic gap, Seismological Research Letters 84-3  , 2013
H. Mittal, Kamal, A. Kumar y S.K. Singh,   Estimation of site effects in Delhi using standard spectral ratio, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 50 53-61 , 2013
Singh, S.K., X. Pérez-Campos, V.H. Espíndola, V. M. Cruz-Atienza, and A. Iglesias,   Intraslab Earthquake of 16 June 2013 (Mw5.9), One of the Closest Such Events to Mexico City, Seismological Research Letters 85-2  , 2014
Singh, S.K., Iglesias, A., X. Pérez-Campos., Quintanar, L., Ordaz, M.,   Reply to Comment on Estimation of ground motion in Mexico city from a repeat of the M ∼ 7:0 Acambay earthquake of 1912, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 104-5 2565 , 2014
Díaz-Mojica, J., V. M. Cruz-Atienza, R. Madariaga, S. K. Singh, J. Tago and A. Iglesias,   Dynamic Source Inversion of the M6.5 Intermediate-Depth Zumpango Earthquake in central Mexico: a Parallel Genetic Algorithm, Journal of Geophysical Research 119 7768-7785 , 2014
Córdoba-Montiel, F., A. Iglesias, S.K. Singh, Z. Spika y D. Legrand,   Tomografía de Velocidad de Grupo de Ondas de Rayleigh para el Oriente de México y el Istmo de Tehuantepec, Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana.   En prensa , 2014
Singh, S.K., J.F. Pacheco, X. Pérez-Campos, M. Ordaz, E. Reinoso,   The 6 September 1997 (Mw4.5) Coatzacoalcos-Minatitlan, Veracruz, Mexico earthquake: implications for tectonics and seismic hazard of the region, Geofísica Internacional 54-3 289-298 , 2015
Singh, S.K., V. Hjörleifsdóttir, G. Suresh, D. Srinagesh, R.K. Chadha and X. Pérez-Campos,   The unusual Bay of Bengal earthquake of 21 May 2014 (Mw6.1), Seismological Research Letters 86 783-793 , 2015
Singh, S. K., M. Ordaz, X. Pérez-Campos and A. Iglesias,   Intraslab versus Interplate Earthquakes as Recorded in Mexico City: Implications for Seismic Hazard, Earthquake Spectra 31-2 795-812 , 2015
Chadha, R.K., D. Srinagesh, D. Srinivas, G. Suresh, A. Sateesh, S. K. Singh, X. Pérez-Campos, G. Suresh, K. Koketsu, T. Masuda, K. Domen y T. Ito, CIGN,   A Strong Motion Seismic Network in Central Indo-Gangetic Plains, Foothills of Himalayas: First Results, Seismological Research Letters  aceptado , 2015
Legrand, D., J. M. Espíndola, Z. Jiménez, T. Scolamacchia, C. Valdés-González, S. K. Singh, J. Lermo, Z. Spica and R. W. Valenzuela,   Comparison of the seismicity before and after the 1982 El Chichón eruption, capítulo 5 del libro Active volcanoes of Chiapas (Mexico): El Chichón and Tacaná, Active volcanoes of the world, editado por T. Scolamacchia y J. L. Macías, Springer-Verlag, Berlín Heidelberg  97-114 , 2015
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